Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Postmodern Islam?

I only recently updated my "My Current Reading" Sidebar with a book that I'm actually almost haflway through: Desparately Seeking Paradise by Ziauddin Sardar. I've enjoyed his reading since I happenned across an article of his in a post-9/11 issue of the new writing magazine, Granta.

Born in Pakistan, raised in Britain, trained as an information scientist, Sardar is a thoughtful writer, highly observant and has a quick, dry wit. That someone could write so plaufully, yet incisively about their religion -- and that this would be appealing to non-Muslims, too -- is a pleasant surprise for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Im from Melbourne. Please check out the thoroughly postmodern understanding of quite literally everything via these essays.
1. www.dabase.net/dht7.htm
2. www.dabase.net/dht6.htm
3. www.dabase.net/spacetim.htm
4. www.dabase.net/rgcbpobk.htm
5. www.dabase.net/proofch6.htm
6. www.dabase.net/openlett.htm

Reference # 6 was written in response to that atrocity in New York