Friday, April 07, 2006

At last...

It feels like ages since I've posted. -- It has been ages since I posted! To be honest, it's probably because I didn't know why I was even bothering with this blog thing. Well, I'm not sure that that's been adequately addressed. I merely feel a compulsion to articulate a little of the massive amounts of information I'm being forced to process lately.
So, here's a quick update:
Friday 31st March & Saturday 1st April - attended the NT Wright seminar organised by the Brisbane Catholic Archdiocese's Faith and Life Vicariate. Wright spoke on Jesus' mission (Friday) and Christian mission in the postmodern world (Saturday). Benjamin Myers reports on it well on his blog.
Sunday 2nd April - Just a normal lazy Sunday: church in the morning and study in the afternoon.
Monday 3rd April - Study. Oh, and I finally, got back to the gym!
Tuesday 4th April - Study.
Wednesday 5th April - I had coffee with Rev Tim Hodgson, minister to the inner city with Wesley Mission Brisbane (Uniting Church). Wow, it wasn't long until we were talking about some of my favourite things: the relation between church and mission, and chaplaincy as mission in the Australian Defence Force, with a bit of social ustice thrown in for good measure. I also had my usual New Testament (Romans and Pauline theology) lecture at Malyon College with Dr David Parker. This week was a real treat: Romans 3.19 - 31 & justification by faith! Here I was all swotted up on Wright & Dunn's arguments, and various dictionary articles on justification, faith, works of the law etc, but with only about 40 minutes of class time allocated. To be fair, we later discuss the centrum paulinum, and I expect the discussion to be more involving then. I also got to the gym again - what a day!
Thursday 6th April - Study. No Old Testament (Pentateuch) lecture today at the Reformed College (located on-campus at the University of Queensland in Emmanual College) because the Presbyterian church is having its mission week. I must remeber to keep praying for the students as they travel and minister. So instead I introduced on of my friends involved with a church plant to the senior pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle two blocks up the road from where he works (and three from where I live). They discussed the possibility of a small but significant co-operation to encourage Christians who work in the city to minister there also. More to pray about. Excitingly, there was also the first of our young adults' small group studies on Erwin McManus' The Barbarian Way. What an exciting thing. Erwin is on of my heroes and I will read everything he writes, so it was great to discuss a chapter with some of the other youth leaders from Westside.
That brings me to the present. Tomorrow I have such a big day planned, but I'll write about that later, once it's actually happenned. And yes, I do hope to post thematically rather than chronologically once I'm a bit more on top of things.

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